“It was a good session and I think your host is cute and amazing”– Adilah Ahmad Khairudin, owner of Poya Boutique.
“Being on Love Local is truly an honor. I’m so touched that Women in Rail Malaysia invited me to be in the session. The introduction by your host and Natasha means the world to me!”– Iman Kamarudin, co-founder of Petit Moi.
“A very belated thank you for the opportunity to participate in your event. It was so well organised!- Kam Su-En, owner of Hammam Spa KL.
“Thank you for having me, Women in Rail Malaysia!!” Dahlia Nadirah, founder of SO.LEK.
Back in July 2021, Women in Rail Malaysia initiated an online campaign entitled Love Local alongside YTL Learning Academy, to show love and support towards female-owned local and small business owners during the challenging times of lockdown in a COVID19 world.
Featuring 2 different types of local businesses in this monthly session, Women in Rail Malaysia is proud to share that we have featured 10 amazing local brands to this date. They are:
– Poya Boutique
– Petit Moi
– Hamam Spa KL
– Cipella
– BingkaKL
– Jala Je Taime
– Popkidspool
– Monokerom
– Bayee.
These strong, dynamic female entrepreneurs join our session virtually via Zoom, where we chat and learn more about their entrepreneurial journey, the challenges they face and we also talked a little bit about their personal stories with their loved ones at home.
Here at Women in Rail Malaysia, we hope that this initiative will enable local businesses to grow even in difficult times, whilst simultaneously allowing our members to network with one another and also have the opportunity of being exposed to new businesses and products available in the online market we now live in.
Silvia is most definitely living proof of how women can thrive in the rail and engineering field. Being the Construction Director for a national rail project is no mean feat and Women in Rail Malaysia was so grateful to have been able to learn and grow from Silvia’s massive experience.